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Our New Life 

In Christ

As Seen through the Eyes of Chronicles of Narnia


    Let me say how thankful I am that you have repented of your sin and you have asked Jesus to save you. You have been born in to His family and forever in it you’ll stay. This is truly good news.

This new life that is yours with Jesus will be one of wonder and excitement, and a lot of testing to face. We will discover some very important things about this new life that will help you as you live it. Hopefully “The Chronicles of Narnia, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” will help you understand it easier. First, if you are a small child I would suggest that you ask Mom or Dad to purchase the movie about Narnia and watch it as a Family, if you have not yet bought it. Then follow this helper’s guide as you discover this new life in Jesus. It is best if you get a notebook, like the ones you get for school, to write down your activities as you travel through this book.

    There are some things that you need to learn to help you as you travel and I have marked them beginning with a look at the story and what it is saying. C.S. Lewis wrote his stories with hidden Christian truths so we will look at what he was saying first.

Then we will look from the Bible's point of view, some truths found in Scriptures, and move right in to a section called Application. This is where we will seek out how to use the Bible Truth in real life. We finally end up with what I call Digging Deeper, where you will be given activities and questions to answer.

I hope they will help you as you explore this new life in Jesus.






































What does it represent?



The first mysterious thing we see, besides Mrs. Macready of course, is that huge “Wardrobe” of the Professor’s. If you have the DVD you may get Mom or Dad to go to the scene selection and look at scene three, “The Wardrobe”. Watch it and stop the movie just after Lucy enters and finds the Lamp Post. Now, if you do not have the DVD watch the clip above, if you have not done so already.                                                                                                                                                                  I know stopping the movie is hard but try anyways. If you do not have the DVD, this section is where Lucy finds the Wardrobe, after playing “Hide and go Seek”. Ever played that, it is a lot of fun. Here is what happens.

Covered by a sheet the Wardrobe is found by Lucy when Lucy and her brothers and sister decide to play hide and go seek on a rainy day. 

Lucy is curious about what is under that sheet.  She pulls the sheet away and to her surprise she finds the wardrobe.                                                                                                                                              For the game of hide and seek, it was the perfect place to hide from Peter, who was it. 

Little did she realize that she was entering a whole new, unseen world?  In fact, she went inside it and found “Narnia” on the other side.









Lesson Principle

    Oh, here is our first Icon. Remember what it means? We are going to see what the movie is trying to tell us.Let’s stop for a moment to see that this “Wardrobe” was a door in to another world. Just so you will know the wardrobe was built from some magical wood that came from Narnia. At the end of this chapter is the story of how the Wardrobe came to be. You may want to stop and go there and read it before you go on with this chapter. Lucy could not see with her physical eye the world of Narnia but soon found out it was very real. Narnia existed on the opposite side of our physical world in a whole new unseen world. It was real for Lucy but Peter, Susan, and Edmund did not believe her when she came back; actually, they thought she was making it all up. A make believe world dreamed up by Lucy, they thought. They told her “one game at a time Lucy”. You may even have friends who will not believe you when you tell them about being a Christian, that’s ok. Keep praying for them to believe, ok?

    Jesus calls himself a door, a door that leads to eternal life in another world called Heaven.  In John 10:1-4, the Bible says, “ Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leaded them out. And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.” 


Let me put it in to our words we use today."Let me set this before you as plainly as I can. If a person climbs over or through the fence of a sheep pen instead of going through the door of the pen, you know he's up to no good; in fact, he is a sheep rustler! The shepherd walks right up to the gate or door. 

The gatekeeper opens the gate to him and the sheep recognize his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he gets them all out, he leads them and they follow because they are familiar with his voice.” 

So Jesus is the door in to a new life pictured here by the story of the sheep (that’s us) and the Shepherd (that’s Jesus) leading us through the sheep DOOR.

    So Jesus becomes our wardrobe door in to another world, an unseen world that He leads us through. The Bible says there is an unseen world that exists all around us, which we cannot see with our eyes. Like Narnia, it is there for those that believe and it is still there whether we believe it or not. It is almost like the germ world that we cannot see but they are still there, right? Like Peter, Susan, and Edmund did not believe at first that Narnia was real; Narnia still existed in the story. 

We need to trust Jesus like a good shepherd to lead us in this Christian life even if others don’t believe in Him.

The Bible tells us that things go on in this hidden world that affects us. In Ephesians chapter six, verse twelve, we are told a little about this hidden world.

In verse twelve we find, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. “

Let us put it another way, “We do not fight against people, but against unseen forces that are evil; they do evil, and they work evil in this world and we feel their existence even though we cannot see them.”

Stop here and write down in your notebook some bad ways that you can see this evil at work in our world. 

I bet you know a lot of things that are bad, even if you are young. Just look in the paper or watch the news. If you are having some problems thinking of any ask Mom or Dad to help you.

    Poor Lucy, when she got back no one believed her, that she had actually seen a new world called “Narnia”. She was so sad. Ever felt sad? It is not fun to be sad.

The funny thing about Narnia is that to the other three it was impossible. I mean a new country inside a small wardrobe. Even when Susan finally arrived in Narnia she said “Impossible”. So people may think, “Jesus lives in your heart, that’s impossible”, but the Bible says it is true. Believe the Bible and not the others, they really don’t know.



Bible Principle


Oh, here is another Icon. Remember what it means? We are going to see what the Bible is teaching from the story. It is important for us to know so pay attention. 

    In the Bible we are told of an unseen world. This is sometimes hard to understand because we are taught to feel and accept what we see. 

I guess as you live with Jesus in your Christian life you will find it hard to see this “other” world because you will have to put up with this world that we see and live in every day.


Jesus says in John 14:1-4,

1."Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me.  

2 In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.  

 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself; that where I am, there you may be also.  

4 And where I go you know, and the way you know."  

    Said another way, “Don’t be sad, you believe in God believe that I (Jesus) am God. In my Father’s home He has many Big Houses; if it was a lie I would have told you it was, but it is not. 

I am going to heaven to build you a Big House all your own; if that was a lie I would have told you that it was a lie too, but it is not. And if I go to heaven to build it I will come back for you, so that we can be together. Just how to enter heaven, you know both the way to get there and how to get there.”

    What you and I have to remember is that it is really there. Just like Lucy knew and would not quit, even when she was teased by the others, we too must always remember, “this other world does exist”.

This brings me to our next very important thing in our journey together.





Oh Wow, it is the Icon of Aslan. Remember what he is going to tell us? Something we can do in our life to help us live for Jesus. We need to do two very important things each day and they will guide us in to remembering this unseen world, and our life in Jesus. 


This is when you take time to read God’s Word and think about it. Some Christian Book Stores have devotion books for children your age. Get your Mom or Dad to buy one for you. This Bible study time will help you focus on the good things and know how to see the bad.

    The next thing is “PRAY TO JESUS”. Jesus prayed, His Disciples prayed, your Mom and Dad may pray, so prayer is a very important thing to do. You ask, “How do I Pray?” well Jesus gave us an example and here it is. 



"'Our Father in heaven,

Hallowed be your name,

10. Your kingdom come,

Your will be done

On earth as it is in heaven.

11. Give us today our daily bread.

12. Forgive us our debts,

As we also have forgiven our debtors.

13. And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from the evil one.'


This prayer is not to be repeated over and over, but it is to be copied as a model prayer so let me explain. 

There are four sections that Jesus gave us to follow. Each one is like a guide on praying.

The First section is, "'Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.

    This section is for you to remember that God is “GOD” and you are talking to Him, and that what He wants you to do every day is the most important thing. That is what the Bible means when it says “WILL”. What someone wants to really do or get, sometimes both, is called our will. What God wants us to do is the most important thing in our life. I hope you understand this and that you will take what Jesus wants you to do seriously.

    The Second section is, “Give us today our daily bread.”

     Jesus wants you to trust Him to help you every day with “everything” in your life and family. 

Wow, that means everything that you need, want, or would like other people to have in their life. Even when you are sad, talk to Jesus about it. Tests, needing food, homework (I had to go and say homework didn’t I), problems with other kids, and other things in your life.

So when you pray, pray to Jesus to help you every day with your problems.

    The Third section is” Forgive us our debts,

as we also have forgiven our debtors.”

    The word “debts” is a word used to mean when we do a sin or bad thing. Remember, sins are bad things we say, think, and do. When we sin we owe God a responsibility of repentance for that sin. So we need to ask Him to forgive us of that bad sin and then we” turn” from that sin, from doing it again, and try to do what is right.

We want Jesus to forgive us of our sin when we ask him, and he will. That is so great that Jesus will do that if we ask!

This word “debtors” can mean when other people hurt you and make you sad. They owe you a payment of repentance but Jesus wants us to forgive them even before they ask for it. That can be very hard sometimes. When you find it hard to forgive someone else, talk to your Mom or Dad about it. I think they can help. Talk to Jesus and ask Him to help the others and you to be more forgiving.

    So every day we need to ask Jesus to forgive us our bad things we did and we need to forgive others their bad things they did to us. That is hard but Jesus will help you. You can pray about that too, about Jesus helping you forgive.


    The Fourth section is to be wise about “temptation”.

13. And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from the evil one.'

Put another way is,” and help us see the temptation to do bad things but get us away from the devil and his trap.” We need to ask God to help us see when we are being tricked in to doing sin (bad things) by the devil. This is very important for even Adults to do every day. We will talk about this in the next chapter.





Stop here and write down the name of someone who has hurt you. After that, write down something that makes you sad or a problem you have at school, or maybe, both.


Jesus wants you to talk to him about those things, in fact, stop right now and pray about them before you go on.





Digging Deeper Activity Section



Here are some activities for you to do before we go on.


WHAT DID THE OTHERS SAY WHEN LUCY CAME BACK FROM NARNIA? (If you do not have the DVD to go back and watch, look back at the beginning of this chapter)








LIST THE DIFFERENT SECTIONS OF THE LORDS PRAYER (Look back in your book for the answers)














  1. ​









2 TIMOTHY 2:15







MATTHEW 7:7-11




    Why is the Wardrobe so special? Let me explain.  In the first book, “The Magician’s Nephew”, Aslan allows Digory (who is both the nephew and later on the professor) to take some magical fruit back with him from the land of Narnia to cure his sick mother. Aslan then tells the children that they do not need the Rings any longer to get back to their world (they had magical rings that moved them back and forth to Narnia), all they need to do is blink, so they blink and realized that they are in the Wood between Worlds once more. This wood is the very special place where the adventure in to Narnia began. Uncle Andrew, the magician, lays on the grass, asleep as Aslan shows the two children a hollow hole in the grass, which was the pool that they jumped through to get to Charn (the white witch’s world). Aslan says that that world has ended and tells them to take warning from it for our world, although our world is not quite as bad as Charn was, it is getting that way. The children are to take the rings from Uncle Andrew and bury them so that they cannot be used again.

The next minute Polly, Digory, and Uncle Andrew tumble into London. They are outside the Ketterley's front door, and it is exactly like they had left it. Digory takes the fruit, the apple, and gives some to his sick mother. Of course she gets better. The seeds and core are buried with the rings in the front yard and a very strange thing happens. It grows in to a large tree. This very large tree grows some wonderful fruit and lives for years.

Digory grows up and becomes the professor that we see in the movie, the one that Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter go to stay during the war. Years come and go and the tree stood strong. Then one day a terrible storm comes and knocks down the tree. 

Digory takes the wood and instructs a furniture craftsman to build a fantastic wardrobe out of it. Since the wood was already magical it became a magical wardrobe. Of course the professor did not know this he just wanted something to remind him of Narnia. Little did he know that it became a doorway in to Narnia for some children later on in his life. Now you see why the professor believed Lucy about Narnia!

Well now you know why the “Wardrobe” is so special.



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