Blacklight Chalk Art
Carefully Lucy stepped in to the Wardrobe and made sure that the door remained open. You never want to shut a door that could possible lock and she knew that rule very well. She began to back up to reach the back of the Wardrobe, so if Peter should open it he may not see her at first. Then it happened, a cold, sticky pine needle with snow on it touched her hand. She was entering a new adventure with each step in to Narnia. If you have the DVD play the scene,“The Wardrobe”, and let it play until Lucy and Mr. Tumnus begin to walk back to Mr. Tumnus’ house. If you do not have the DVD, click on the scene above . Lucy walks through the snow covered trees as she leaves the wardrobe only to find herself stumbling upon a lamp post. When Lucy discovers the “Lamp Post” she is not there long when she meets Mr. Tumnus. He tells her that it is in the middle of Narnia and invites her home for tea. That is how Lucy finds out about where she is and how she finds her way home later on.
Lesson Principle
Lucy walks through the snow covered trees as she leaves the wardrobe only to find herself stumbling upon a lamp post. Why a Lamp post? Watching the movie very closely you will discover three things about its use. First of all it is a landmark that divides Narnia in to two parts. Mr. Tumnus said that everything on one side of it to the castle on the other side of it was Narnia. The second thing was that it revealed the way home for Lucy, later on for Lucy and Edmund, and finally all four after they had grown up in Narnia.
The third thing we see is that its flame never went out. It was burning bright when Lucy needed it, and again when both Lucy and Edmund needed it.
The final time we see it was when all four, all grown up, come across it in the woods hunting the white stag.
Using all three let’s see how we can apply it to Bible truth.
Bible Principle One
Jesus calls Himself the light of the world. Look at these scripture passages:
John 8:12
12. Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life."
John 9:3-5
3 Jesus answered, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him. 4 I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. 5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world."
Jesus revealed in this phrase that He will give us direction in our Christian life, just as he gave to you direction on how to be saved. Light helps us see things easier when it is dark. Jesus’ truth helps us see evil easier than not having Him in our life.
Bible Principle Two
The second thing was that the Lamp post was a middle of the way landmark. Jesus, being the long awaited Messiah, did just that in history. He split everything in half, or two halves. B.C. and A.D. were created using Jesus’ entrance in to the world.
I could say it better this way. Everyone before Jesus had to rely on their obedience in an animal sacrifice to be saved. This is the Bible’s Old Testament times. Of course the animals’ blood was only a symbol of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. You and I are on this side of the half-way mark, what the Bible calls the age of grace through faith in Jesus. The Bible calls it the New Testament. Let us look at it this way.
There was a prophecy about four thrones being fulfilled but it had not happen. It only happen when Aslan died then came back to life and evil was defeated.
Then Narnia experienced a new age of King Peter and Edmund and Queen Susan and Lucy. That is the way it is for you and me. We live in a new age or “Testament”, or “Covenant”. A new covenant or testament is a new agreement with God about salvation.
Notice what Jesus said in Matthew 26:27-29
27 Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you. 28 For this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. 29 But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father's kingdom."
Bible Principle Three
The third thing is Jesus is the light that reveals eternal life and He is the giver of everlasting life. Jesus, like the Lamp Post’s flame that never went out, is the only one to be the giver of eternal life.
Here is another fact too. We are little lights of that truth about Jesus being the Son of God. Did you know that?
Look at Matthew 5:14-16
14 "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
Let’s look at it this way:
14. You are the witnesses of Me to the World. A city that has been built on a hill can be seen for miles.
15. You do not light a candle and put it inside a cabinet, but somewhere where it can give the room its light so you can see.
16. Let your witness of me be real so others can see how you act and know that I [Jesus] live in you, and give God [Father] the credit for the change.
You see, Jesus wants us to realize that we are very important to His plan to witness about the good news of John 3:16.
We are now “WITNESSES” of him to everyone in our actions, our words, and sometimes both.
Bible Principle
Just as the Lamp post gave Lucy and the others a clear path to the Wardrobe, Jesus gives us clear direction on all areas of living the good life, the Christian life.
It is when we try to ignore, disobey, or be selfish that everything gets cloudy and unclear. We need His light to show the right path.
The lesson for you and me is this. That Jesus and only Jesus came to die for us so that we might have life. We need to trust Him as being that sacrifice and trust no other.
This is the light of truth that Jesus speaks of in the Bible. We need to be little lights of this truth in our life every day.
Eph 5:8-10
8 For ye were once darkness, but are now light in the Lord: walk as children of light
9 (for the fruit of the light is in all goodness and righteousness and truth),
10 proving what is well-pleasing unto the Lord;
Let me put it another way:
You stumbled your way through life once, but no longer. You're out in the open now. The bright light of Christ makes your way plain. So stop stumbling around in the darkness of the world as you live. Get on with it! The good, the right, the true — these are the actions for the Christian. Figure out what will please Christ, and then do it.
This witness is to be one of action and personality. Action means that Jesus expects us to act better before our friends and family, according to the Bible’s ways not the world.
Personality means that Jesus expects us to change the way we think as opposed to what the world thinks.
When we change those two areas of our life we will say what we mean, we will mean what we say, and we will do actions to back it up.
For example, if you say I love everyone, like Jesus commands, we will say good things only about everyone and do good things for everyone. No matter if they are poor, rich, white, black, Hispanic, Asian, and so forth.
So go and work on both your actions and your thinking to be more like Jesus.
Remember to ask, WWJD, “What would Jesus Do”, and if you don’t know, read your Bible or ask someone you can trust.
This morning my Mom came in to my room and told me that after school I would have to clean my room up and do my homework before I could do anything else, like playing my video games, watch TV, or play on my computer. Well I got upset but I did not say anything, I just got ready for school.
At school I had a run in with Ryan [or Mary, if you are a girl reading this story] and we both got in to trouble. I could not believe that both the teacher and the principal would not believe me that Ryan [Mary] started the fight. Now we both are in detention and both Mom and Dad will be very mad. I’ll be grounded for a month for this one.
Back at home my Mom and Dad were furious about the detention and fight and I was grounded for a month, no surprise there. What a day. In my room I saw my Bible but could care less about reading it I was too mad. So I did my homework, ate my supper, and then played around as best I could since I could not use a computer, TV or video games.
I went to bed and finally fell to sleep, thinking, great, I get to do this all over again tomorrow.
The above story could be true but with different names, maybe you could’ve been one of the above children. Choose one of these questions and answer it as best as you can in your notebook. If you like answer all three.
You are Ryan or Mary and you know you lied about the fight but you were scared about getting in to trouble. What can you do now about making things right?
What do you think you will do if you go and ask for forgiveness but the other boy, or girl, will not forgive you?
What could you do to make things right?
Remember, doing what is right is “ALWAYS RIGHT”, no matter what happens to you. Your parents, teachers, the principal, and others will know they can count on you to always tell the truth. Remember, “BE HONEST!”
Just like Edmund was with Aslan
The Lamp Post is a curious thing indeed. The Beginning of it goes back to the first book, “The Magician’s Nephew”. The nephew, Digory Kirke, who later becomes the Professor in the next book, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, is the main character of this story. Now you see why the professor reacted like he did to Peter and Susan’s announcement about another world in the Wardrobe. Digory is a young boy who has moved to London with his sick mother to live with her sister and brother. Digory meets Polly, a girl next door, and the two of them begin their traveling around through the house because they were curious about its rooms. They discover a magical world after finding some magic rings, created by Digory’s uncle (the Magician).
They choose to use them so Digory follows Polly and they are transported to the Wood between the Worlds. This wood is filled with pools of water in a forest, which are doorways to other worlds.
They go to Charn, a land of decay and evil, where Digory chooses to ring the golden bell with the hammer, awakening the frozen evil Queen (the White Witch). After a small struggle in Charn, the Witch ends up in London with Polly and Digory when they all travel back by the magic rings. Causing a riot with horses and carriages, she stretches out and grabs the cross bars of the Lamp-Post on the London street corner, snapping it off and swinging it at everyone. Digory thinks that this might be his chance to get her back to her world since she does not see him, so he darts toward the horse and the Witch. Polly is suddenly beside him. Digory tells her to hold on to him and that she will have to manage the Ring. In an attempt to save London from the Queen, Digory and Polly use the Rings again. The Witch is threatening the policemen with her new weapon as Digory grabs the Witch's ankle, but she hits him, and he loses his grasp. Finally, he gets a firm grip and yells to Polly to touch the Ring. In an instant, the angry voices of the crowd are silenced. They come out in the wood: Polly, Digory, the Witch, Uncle Andrew, the horse, and the Cabby end up in Narnia just as Aslan is creating it. The Lion paces to and fro, singing his new song. It is softer than the song before. While he walks and sings, the valley grows grass and then trees and flowers. With each turn, the Lion approaches the group. Polly is beginning to see the connection between the music and the things that are happening around them. Polly feels that all the things are coming from the Lion. Suddenly, the Witch steps out toward the Lion. The Witch flings her iron bar at him. The bar strikes the Lion between the eyes and glances off. The Lion continues, neither slower nor faster than before, completely unharmed by the blow. The Witch shrieks and runs off into the trees.
It, the piece of iron from the London lamp post, falls to the ground and takes root, like a tree, and it begins to grow. This is where we get the famous “Lamp Post” of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, after it grows to the size of the lamp post we see in the movie. If you look very closely on the DVD at the bottom of the Post it will look like it has roots.