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An Astromy Question

We know that there exist millions of planets. When I was in elementary school, we had nine. We have seen surfaces of mercury; Venus and its 1000 degree heat; mars; Pluto . We have landed on comets. We have seen surfaces of moons of Jupiter and Saturn. Each has topography. Some moons have oceans of petrol. Little to zero oxygen. Lots of hydrogen and helium. We know of tremendous distances, per miles, between planets. We know of light years, six trillion miles, for distances to even the nearest galaxy. There are billions of galaxies. No way to know of possible life elsewhere. At light speed, which cannot be reached because it would require infinite energy, it would take generations of earth life to reach one. Technology cannot sustain life, as in water and toilets and foods, etc, for generations of space flight. Ok---- why the rock topography and huge pressures and super hot or super cold ( both, like on mercury) temperatures from God? Why would such unmeasurable distances and trillions of objects be out there? And life on only no-name earth, which is a tiny outpost in the outskirts of its galaxy?


As best as I can first allow me to step aside and allow God to answer:

Psalm 19:1-3New King James Version (NKJV)

The Perfect Revelation of the Lord

To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David.

19 1. The heavens (space and our heaven as well as the one God created as the home of angels and us one day) declare the glory of God; And the firmament( our atmosphere) shows His handiwork. 2. Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge. 3. There is no speech nor language Where their voice is not heard.

Now it may seem useless all the uninhabited planets and such to us but if we see the wonders, the beauty and marvelous power, not to mention the creativity, needed to create all there is that can be seen and the unseen, we see a Almighty God Creator, definitely not chance. The trouble with us is we always, always demand answers and when we are not satisfied we immediate pitch a fit and say whats the use. You see if I could explain the creativity of God and why this is this way or that is that way HE immediately becomes “NOT GOD” and I have explained HIM away; which is what some scientist wish to do but are finding it more difficult day by day. The trouble is the more they find the Bigger God gets. The surfaces of moons of Jupiter and Saturn are unique because that is the way God created them. Each has topography because He deemed it necessary. Some moons have oceans of petrol and others Little to zero oxygen; Lots of hydrogen and helium elsewhere. We know of tremendous distances, per miles, between planets. We know of light years, six trillion miles, for distances to even the nearest galaxy. There are billions of galaxies. No way to know of possible life elsewhere but why do we need to know of life elsewhere when we can know life and life more abundantly NOW! This is why I ask the same question that Jesus asked his disciples,

“Where is your Faith?” Science supposedly runs on facts, figures, tests, etc. that can be measured but at the same time leaps in to the field of science fiction when it theorizes about beginnings and purposes of things that can not be analyzed… sounds like faith, the trust and belief in some thing or some one to be truth and trustworthy enough to believe in.

Notice: And the firmament( our atmosphere) shows His handiwork.

2 Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge. 3 There is no speech nor language Where their voice is not heard.

You see the heavens declare a language…knowledge to be heard and it is GOD’s GLORY as CREATOR. Not to be analyzed and picked apart but to be observed as one admires a sunset’s glow and colors. O sure we can know the science of how that happens but what fun and excitement is in that! Now for a mind blower… This same God chose to be our God, to create us in His Image and when we rebelled and sinned, He himself became sin, and died, then rose again so that we who deserved death might be made sin free and live in Heaven forever with Him. Now that is Life and Life more abundantly. Yes it is belief, yes it can not be analyze in a test-tube, and yes it requires faith but to everyone who believes in Jesus they will be changed, given eternal life, and given hope in a life to come. Once again the choice is your's.

Watch Ravi Zacharias explain why science will never answer questions about life



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